Centre for International Studies
The Centre for International Studies has as its core mission developing academic research, thinking and intervention in a range of complex social, political and economic phenomena that go beyond national and regional borders. CEI-IUL is committed to producing research of excellence addressing the most critical 21st Century international developments and societal challenges, as well as the consequences of globalisation. CEI-IUL develops its research agenda and activities in close articulation with different graduate programs at ISCTE-IUL, combining interdisciplinary research with a broad public-oriented activity, promoting research dissemination and public awareness of science and engaging in public debates. Committed to a policy of open access for its research outputs, CEI-IUL is already a member of some of the leading international research networks on International Studies and articulates many of its activities with civil society and public institutions.
CEI-IUL is organized on a matrix design of four regional lines – Africa, Asia & MENA, Latin America & Caribbean and Europe & Transatlantic Relations – crossed by three research groups – Institutions, Governance and International Relations, Societal and Development Challenges and Economy and Globalization.
This matrix combines researchers’ expertise on regional contexts with comparative research approaches of global relevance and theoretical approaches arising from political science, international relations, sociology, history, security studies, anthropology, and economics.
Email: [email protected]
Webpage: https://cei.iscte-iul.pt

European Association of Young Educators
The European Association of Young Educators is an European Nonprofit and Nongovernmental for Development Organization. Young Educators has delegations in 9 european countries, and a network of partners that extends throughout the 47 countries of the Council of Europe.
Young Educators’ main goal is to promote Human Rights and Civic Participation among youngsters in order to build active citizens. Young Educators aims to encourage participation in younger generations by developing good practices in dialogue between young people, creating active and dedicate citizenship, motivating the sense of initiative and participation in civil society.
The target audience of Young Educators’ projects are youngsters from 8 to 30 years old. Mainly youngsters from marginalized groups or with fewer opportunities, including low socioeconomic status or migrant background. The Association develops programs and regular activities with youngsters, like sport for inclusion, debates, youth assemblies, training sessions, workshops and other mechanisms of personal and professional support using non-formal education in order to empower these young citizens.
Email: [email protected]
Webpage: https://youngeducators.eu

Fondazione Flaminia
Who we are:
Fondazione Flaminia is a private, non-profit organization. It was founded in 1989 to support the set up and development of the university campus in Ravenna of the University of Bologna.
In 2015, in addition to this activity, Fondazione Flaminia became an Innovation Center, recognized by Emilia-Romagna Region, working as Intermediary of Knowledge among the members of the local innovative ecosystem.
What we do:
Fondazione Flaminia works to support the develop of human capital in Ravenna and provides the local community with a wide range of activities aimed at facilitating the employability of students and the development of local SMEs. Flaminia organizes and coordinates masters, summer and winter schools and supports youth initiative at local and European level, promoting conference and training opportunities and activities entrepreneurship oriented.
The Innovation Centre works to connect companies, institutions and researchers to design and test innovative solutions able to increase local and regional develop.
Flaminia is the managing authority of Technopole of Ravenna and it is a member the consortium of partners of two Living Labs in the city in Ravenna and Forlì.
Flaminia in Europe:
Fondazione Flaminia looks at the Europe as a place to find innovation, strategic partners and best practices.
Flaminia is involved in many European projects focused on youth, urban regeneration, active citizenship, circular economy.
Email: [email protected] .[email protected]
Webpage: https://www.fondazioneflaminia.it/

Stichting CAAT Projects
Stichting CAAT Projects is a Dutch non-profit NGO, based in Amsterdam, developing local and international activities. CAAT stands for Creating Arts and Alternatives Together and it uses creativity and arts to empower vulnerable groups and promote tolerant communities. We have two main lines of work: one is to advocate for equal opportunities for all by using mainly human rights education connected with art, the other is to empower vulnerable communities (or groups), by collaborating with local initiatives and using participatory arts.
CAAT’s aims to bring creative and sustainable methods that help communities to realize their full potential and we promote the following:
– Art, multiculturalism and diversity;
– Resilience and integration of vulnerable groups;
– Development of creative and sustainable solutions for social challenges.
CAAT is always interested in integrating new initiatives. We believe in the strength of cooperation, thus don’t hesitate to contact us!
Email: [email protected]
Webpage: www.caatprojects.eu