On 21st June, Fondazione Flaminia organized the second E(u)Lections´19 event held at the Open lab of Ravenna within the Classis Museo.
The event was open to every citizen of Ravenna city and we were able to involve 51 Italian participants, with ages ranging between 20 and 67 years old, in a multi-generational debate about the European Union’s present and future.

Thanks to a diverse audience of participants in the Emilia-Romagna events tour, we will have the opportunity to collect diverse suggestions for the future of Europe 2025.
The workshop started with an introduction about of the project aims and the methodology of Lego Serious Play methods provided by the trainers.
Subsequently, we started with games and activities designed to make people more accustomed to Lego pieces and, in some way, light on the creativity in each one, so that it became more simple to pass to concrete concepts to 3D constructions later on.
In this part of the introduction to the game of Lego Serious Play, the trainers asked, in first place, participants to close their eyes and think to a wished super power. Than, they asked to create their own super power with LEGO.
After the participants have gained more confidence with the methods we moved on to the E(u)lections´19 project aims and we used the same approach one of the 5 possible scenarios of the White Paper on the future of Europe. Each group worked on one of the five scenarios, giving a 3D shape to their opinion and suggestions.
At the end of each new construction, each participant had 2 minutes to explain to the group personal thoughts, doubts and suggestions about the scenario. This stage of the 5 scenarios was very curious because the groups were heterogeneous by gender and age, so we collected diverse points of view.
At the end of the activity, they wrote a summary of the experience and completed a questionnaire to collect key messages for the solutions for the main problems identified.